Sometimes I wonder about the arrogance of some Christians. Take this case, for example, as reported on a site called Religion News Service:

NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) A transgender person who has sued the government to be recognized as a woman is fighting a group of Christian lawyers who are opposed to her name change petition. The Kenya Christian Lawyers Fellowship is challenging Audrey Mbugua’s petition, warning it would set a precedent contrary to the Christian view of creation and encourage gay unions.

Say what?

If ever there was a case of Christians trying to force their primitive, superstitious belief systems on other people — and the trans person in question here says she is an atheist — it is this one. To  complicate matters even more, the holier-than-thou Christians are confusing gender identity with sexual orientation, perhaps purposefully, or perhaps through sheer ignorance.

To Christians: not everybody believes in your view of “creation,” nor should they be forced to believe it and live their lives according to some code designed by primitive people in another space in time.

Having said all that, I want to combine this post with some other thoughts I’ve been having. I was raised as a Christian, and I quickly got the message: do unto others, practise brotherly/sisterly love. Nowhere in my Christian education was I taught to persecute and oppress. I moved on from Christianity because, a) I got the message and didn’t need to keep hearing it ad nauseam, and (b) because I wanted to learn more about spirituality, about the things the Bible only hints at, such as “in my father’s house are many mansions,” and the message Christ gave to his disciples before the sermon on the mount, saying, essentially, that they could not explain all the mysteries to the simple folk out there, hence the parables. It is felt by some scholars that during the period of Christ’s life not reported on in the Bible that he, in fact, studied eastern philosophy and religions . . . which is what I went on to do, to some extent, before finally being reunited with the Theosophists.

On another note: It is Saturday morning, bright and warm in these parts. It is the beginning of Thanksgiving weekend, and I am particularly thankful this year. More on that in another post . . .

Have a great weekend, everyone!

