In days of olde, they drank mead, yes?

So, there I was at the SAQ the other day when I spied a bottle of mead with a medieval label on it promising it was the same brew that bold knights consumed, presumably at the round table. It’s a honey wine — 16% percent alcohol.

Mmmmm . . .

So, with visions of Camelot and hunky, bold knights dancing in my head — yes, and Maid Marian, too — my partner and I purchased said mead and are planning a medieval evening, during which I get to wear my medieval skirt and blouse etc. We’ll listen to medieval music in a candlelit room while we sip on the mead, and who knows which knightly genies from days of olde will emerge from the bottle along with the mead . . .

The decanter holding the mead will make a lovely vase afterward. It is a heavy vessel, something you would expect to find at the round table in Camelot.

Sigh . . . Just call me Maid Jillian . . .

Intermiel Medieval Mead – 750 mL bottle. (Photo:
Intermiel Medieval Mead – 750 mL bottle. (Photo from article)